Convention Accessibility and Inclusivity


ASEEES is committed to making arrangements that allow all members of the association to participate in the convention, whether online or in-person. Therefore, we request that all session organizers and presenters review the following information and take the necessary steps to make their sessions accessible to attendees with permanent or temporary disabilities. While the guidelines listed below have been designed to provide access to attendees with disabilities, many will benefit all convention participants.

Registered attendees with accessibility requests are asked to complete this request form.

Communication and Presentation

Speak clearly and distinctly, but do not shout. Use regular speed unless asked to slow down by members of the audience or persons using real-time captioning.

Speakers should repeat questions or statements made by members of the audience. In dialogues or discussions, only one person should speak at a time, and speakers should identify themselves so that audience members will know who is talking.

Avoid speaking from a darkened area. Some people read lips, so the audience should have a direct and clear view of the speaker's mouth and face.

  • Describe all visuals in your video presentation. Some speakers might also elect to identify and describe themselves.

  • Use a simple, san serif font that screen readers can pick up easily.

  • Avoid color backgrounds.

Closed Captioning for the Virtual Convention Sessions

Closed captioning is enabled for all the sessions. For 2024, we are offering translated captions.  

Each person must turn on the Show Captions function in order to see the captions. 

To turn on closed captions, click the Closed Caption button on your Zoom dashboard on the bottom of your screen ('Show Closed Captions'). If you don't see the Closed Captions button, click on the three dots to the right to see more Zoom functions.

The default captions are in English but each participant can individually set auto-translated captions to one of several available languages in Zoom (please note that not all languages are available).

To enabled translated captions, click the 'carrot' (^) in the Closed Caption button to show more options. Turn on "Translation" by toggling the button to the right.

In My Speaking Language, click the language that you will be speaking in during the session.
In My Caption Language, click the language that you would like to read in. If a participant speaks in another language, your captions will auto-translate to the language you have selected.

Please note that closed captioning is automated and may not be accurate. 

Papers, Handouts, and Audiovisuals

Participants should prepare shareable versions of their presentations, even in draft form, for the use of members who wish or need to follow a written text. For in-person meetings, participants should bring at least 2 copies of their presentations and those who use handouts should prepare at least 1 copy in large-print format (boldface 16- or 18-point font size) and briefly describe or read all handouts to the audience. Avoid colored papers. Participants should indicate whether they want their documents returned.

Consider the possibility that persons in the audience may be blind. Allow ample time when referring to a visual aid or handout or when pointing out the location of materials. Briefly describe the materials.

When not speaking, mute your online microphone. Reducing sources of background noise and will help focus audience attention on the presenter.

Room Setup for In-Person Meetings

Each meeting room has been set with empty spaces for wheelchair and scooter users. Please do not move chairs into these spaces. Please keep these areas and the aisles clear for persons who may be using wheelchairs, canes, crutches, or motorized vehicles. Space should be left around the doors and aisles to allow access.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing and read lips should sit where they can see the speakers. 

Sign Interpreting

Members with hearing impairment who will need sign-interpreting service at the annual convention must register and request interpreting service no less than two months prior to the Convention. The request should include the sessions they plan to attend. ASEEES will secure the services of appropriate interpreters and assume the cost for up to nine hours of sign language interpreting service per member.


Please help us to accommodate attendees who are sensitive to fragrances by refraining from wearing scented products.

Service Animals

Service animals are welcome at all events, sessions, and venues. The ADA protects the right of people with disabilities to be accompanied by trained service animals in public places. Remember, not all disabilities are visible and service animals are not required to wear special equipment or tags. Service animals are working and should not be distracted without permission.

*Attendees are responsible for their own guest room accommodations. All official convention hotels have accessible guest rooms available. Please indicate your request directly with the hotel when making your reservation.


Gender-Neutral Restroom  

ASEEES offers designated gender-neutral restroom for use by all persons.    

Nursing Room 

ASEEES offers a designated room available for parents with infants. 

First-Time Attendee and Graduate Student Lounge 

ASEEES offers a designated space for first-time attendees and graduate students to gather and network, pending space availability.